Living in the 21st century can be stressful. You might feel like there’s no time for you and no space for you. You might be on a mission to fix the world, or so busy you are wishing away your life between escapes and get aways. You might get so busy with your commitments that you forget to eat, or so busy trying to figure it all out that you can’t fall asleep. You might be wondering if you are depressed because its hard to get out of bed, or to do anything productive.
Damaged relationships with the world and our family of origin can affect us deeply throughout our lives leaving us feeling isolated, uncomfortable in our bodies and generally unsafe. Our energy begins to decline along with our enthusiasm for life. Its confusing. We quietly stonewall everything and everyone while wishing for the right partner, or right career or right friends. Feelings of insecurity, loneliness or shame can spiral out into deep bouts of depression, acting out, despair and even suicidal ideation. Prioritizing the needs of everyone else can lead us into unhealthy behaviors, substances, pastimes and diet choices supplanting authenticity and joy, while swapping virtual reality for real relationships and happiness.
Fortunately there is a way out! You can repair and reset your nervous system and regain your ability for sustained substance and vice free pleasure, present moment experience and understanding in your body. You can learn how to take care of your Self and the things that are important to you. You can discover energy and understand how to regain your health and wellness. You can repair your oldest and dearest relationships turning them from a burden to your most valuable resources and return to your birthright of feeling loved and supported. You will be able to take up space at the center of your own life and find the gateway that leads to joy, but you can't do it alone.
This sounds like the forward of every self help book ever written, so why can't you do this work alone? The difficulty is that you are not deciding to feel the way that you feel, so you cannot simply decide to un-feel it. Chances are you have inherited many of your wounds from your parents and their parents or grand parents and who knows how many generations before them. Choosing to take on this work is no small feat. You would be choosing to heal for your ancestors and generations to come while rippling outward to the people your life touches.
In our sessions I work experientially and reflectively with your present moment experience, thoughtfully mirroring back the unique beauty you bring to life. It is an environment where you can regain a sense of safety and sovereignty, in a state of conscious awareness, where we can discover, slow down and rewrite the reflexes that are holding you and your brain hostage. We will revisit early experiences with the intentions of finding the veins of gold, as well as rewriting any antiquated nonadaptive belief systems that stem from those early experiences. In addition, I will share with you a model that will allow you to reframe and more deeply understand your experiences, your brain, your body and your most precious heart.
Damaged relationships with the world and our family of origin can affect us deeply throughout our lives leaving us feeling isolated, uncomfortable in our bodies and generally unsafe. Our energy begins to decline along with our enthusiasm for life. Its confusing. We quietly stonewall everything and everyone while wishing for the right partner, or right career or right friends. Feelings of insecurity, loneliness or shame can spiral out into deep bouts of depression, acting out, despair and even suicidal ideation. Prioritizing the needs of everyone else can lead us into unhealthy behaviors, substances, pastimes and diet choices supplanting authenticity and joy, while swapping virtual reality for real relationships and happiness.
Fortunately there is a way out! You can repair and reset your nervous system and regain your ability for sustained substance and vice free pleasure, present moment experience and understanding in your body. You can learn how to take care of your Self and the things that are important to you. You can discover energy and understand how to regain your health and wellness. You can repair your oldest and dearest relationships turning them from a burden to your most valuable resources and return to your birthright of feeling loved and supported. You will be able to take up space at the center of your own life and find the gateway that leads to joy, but you can't do it alone.
This sounds like the forward of every self help book ever written, so why can't you do this work alone? The difficulty is that you are not deciding to feel the way that you feel, so you cannot simply decide to un-feel it. Chances are you have inherited many of your wounds from your parents and their parents or grand parents and who knows how many generations before them. Choosing to take on this work is no small feat. You would be choosing to heal for your ancestors and generations to come while rippling outward to the people your life touches.
In our sessions I work experientially and reflectively with your present moment experience, thoughtfully mirroring back the unique beauty you bring to life. It is an environment where you can regain a sense of safety and sovereignty, in a state of conscious awareness, where we can discover, slow down and rewrite the reflexes that are holding you and your brain hostage. We will revisit early experiences with the intentions of finding the veins of gold, as well as rewriting any antiquated nonadaptive belief systems that stem from those early experiences. In addition, I will share with you a model that will allow you to reframe and more deeply understand your experiences, your brain, your body and your most precious heart.